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KoHo pedagogija je edukativna platforma koja osmišljava, razvija, organizira i provodi stručne edukacije koje inspiriraju. Na platformi možete pronaći edukacije za odgojitelje, stručne suradnike, nastavnike, roditelje i arhitekte.

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Više od 300 ustanova i više tisuća sudionika poklanjaju nam svoje povjerenje i redovito sudjeluju na našim edukacijama.

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Naša misija je stvaranje izuzetnih obrazovnih iskustava i profesionalnog usavršavanja budućnosti.

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Kreativnost i inovativnost

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Stručnost i teorijska utemeljenost

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Kvalitetno iskustvo sudionika - brzina i dostupnost u komunikaciji s KoHo-om kao organizatorom


From corporate events to social gatherings, our dedicated team has been instrumental in creating unforgettable experiences for our clients.

Manager, NEO Corporation

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I cannot say enough positive things about my experience working with Emma Thompson and her team at EventFlow. As the marketing manager for NEO Corporation, I have collaborated with various event agencies in the past, but Emma and her team truly stood out.

CEO of Elite Corp

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Our experience working with EventFlow as our event agency was absolutely fantastic. Jane Johnson and her team went above and beyond to ensure that our event was a resounding success. From initial planning stages to the execution on the day, they displayed exceptional professionalism and attention to detail.

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